Yes, I know, I'm the Vicar and I'm biased! But think of the advantages:
- We'll have 3 or 4 marriage preparation sessions where we'll think about the meaning of marriage and help you to discuss important issues. We'll also have plenty of time to prepare and rehearse the wedding service. During this time we'll get to know each other so that your wedding can be personal to you.
- The St Peter's church building is a delightful setting for a wedding, having the advantages of traditional beauty and modern comfort. The church building will comfortably seat 175 guests.
Who's allowed to be married at St Peter's?
Well, if either of you lives in the parish or if either of you or your parents or grandparents has a connection with the parish, you may well be allowed to get married here. Have a look at this website for more details.
(In keeping with long-standing tradition, and because we believe marriage is for life, we don't conduct weddings for people who have been divorced while the partner is still living).
Mike Warren, Vicar
Please contact if you'd like to talk about getting married at St Peter's. Before enquiring about Banns of Marriage please read the pdf below very carefully.

Baptism or Thanksgiving
Congratulations on the birth of your baby!The experience of holding a new-born child often brings new awareness of the miracle of life and and there's a natural desire to thank God for this wonderful baby.
For many people, a service of thanksgiving is a great way of thanking God and asking for his help in the daunting task of parenting. Thanksgivings can be held at a morning service or at another time. An order of service can be adapted for your particular circumstances, and Mike Warren will help you with this.
For some people, baptism is more appropriate.
Baptism symbolises the fresh start and new life that Jesus Christ offers to all who come to him in trusting faith. In the service, parents publicly affirm that they have turned away from a life without God, that they trust Jesus for forgiveness and new life, and that they have committed their lives to serving and honouring him and his church. ("We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." Romans 6:4).
Whichever seems best to you at this moment, I suggest that you don't decide now, but come to our baptism preparation course and investigate Christianity and ask any questions (nothing is too hard or too easy!). Having run the course for over a decade, I can promise you, no embarrassment, no pressure, no boredom but lots of new discoveries!
If you'd like to chat about a thanksgiving or baptism, do Mike Warren
If you're looking at this because you've been recently bereaved, may I offer you my sincere condolences.
At a time like this, you need practical, emotional and spiritual support, and we're here to help. If the deceased lived in the parish of or attended St Peter's Church, you can ask Mike Warren, the vicar, to conduct the funeral service. The entire service may be held at the crematorium or you may like to have a service at the church and just the committal or burial at the crematorium. Mike can help you choose suitable hymns and Bible readings.
If you have chosen a cremation you may bury the ashes at the crematorium some time after the funeral with a brief service.
Mike Warren if you'd like to speak about a funeral.